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Order online

How do I order online?

Ordering online is easy and safe. Our website will walk you through placing an order,


but here's a preview.



1.Use our search bar or browse by department to find the item you want.


2.Click on the item you want.


3.Read the information on the product page and choose among available size and


customization options for that item.


4.When you're done, click add to cart.


5.You can adjust quantities from the shopping cart.


6.Check your order carefully, then click the Continue button.


7.Enter your shipping information. Select a shipping type and click Apply to view your order


total and then Continue.


8.Enter your payment information and any coupon or gift certificate codes you want to use and


then Continue. Your card will not be charged at this step.


9.Check your order carefully, then Submit your order.

*You will receive an confirmation email from us when the order payment is done